
02/08/2021 - Marcalagionis

A happy ending story

Italpol Vigilanza's timely intervention to save a child's life

Italpol Vigilanza’s timely intervention to save a child’s lifeItalpol Vigilanza is not only the protection of homes and businesses, but also the care and protection of people, a value for individuals and the community. The timely intervention of Italpol Vigilanza operators and vehicles has been crucial in recent days for the life of a five-year-old […]


02/04/2021 - Basso Lazio

Foiled a robberry

Gunshots and criminals' escape

At 02.16 am of the night, arrived at the Italpol Vigilance Operations Room, a report of theft and tampering at a supermarket in Lower Lazio. In these cases, as per procedure, the intervention of both the Area Patrol and Law Enforcement is required. In a short time the Security Detail Guard of Italpol Vigilance and […]


05/03/2021 - Frosinone

Foiled Robbery

When reality is tinged with noir

This also happens, our particular security guard in the right place at the right time. Late in the evening, the patrol of Italpol vigilance was stopped in radio contact with the Operations Room to define some points on the site just reclaimed, a supermarket, when the windshield turns into a screen worthy of a noir […]